How to manage fulfillment for subscription products?

In the last weeks, we have shared with you some tips and inside information that will help you offer the best service for your customers. For example, in our previous article, we talked about how to understand consumer behavior within your eCommerce, an interesting topic we advise you to check out. 


Now, we will talk about another trend in the eCommerce world: subscription products, a new way to stay updated in the market. They have emerged as a popular and profitable strategy, offering businesses a steady stream of revenue and fostering customer loyalty.  


However, managing fulfillment for subscription products represents unique challenges that impact customer satisfaction and retention. That's why our team has prepared this article; with this information, you will know how to succeed with this strategy and acknowledge the best practices for managing fulfillment for subscription products.

What is subscription fulfillment?

As the name suggests, subscription fulfillment refers to managing and delivering products to customers who have subscribed to receive regular shipments from their favorite brands. 


Unlike traditional eCommerce, where customers make one-time purchases, this type of fulfillment involves continuous inventory, shipping, and customer service management to meet subscribers' ongoing demands. Effective subscription fulfillment ensures maintaining customer loyalty and minimizing confusion in subscription-based businesses.

Challenges of fulfilling subscription orders

Fulfilling subscription orders comes with challenges like any other logistic strategy. However, by the nature of this model, if they are not well-handled, any mistake can impact the efficiency of a subscription-based business and customer satisfaction. To prevent any lousy result, here are some of the most common challenges:


1.- Inventory management

Maintaining the right level of inventory is crucial yet challenging. Businesses that work by subscription must predict demand accurately to avoid overstocking or running out of stock. 

They also need to consider the fluctuating demand due to seasonality, promotions, or the constant change in customer preferences. Accurate demand forecasting is essential but can be difficult to achieve, leading to potential mismatches between supply and demand.

2.- Refreshing the products

Another important factor is changing products monthly, which adds another layer of complexity to the fulfillment process. This dynamic approach can enhance customer engagement and retention by providing variety and excitement but also introduces several challenges.  

Finding new products each month that meet quality standards and appeal to subscribers can be time-consuming. We recommend you continue building relationships with reliable suppliers and maintaining a pipeline of potential products.

3.- Packaging and customization

Many subscription services aim to provide a personalized experience, which requires customized packaging and product selection. This adds complexity to the fulfillment process, as each order might need to be tailored to individual customer preferences, increasing the time and resources required for packing.

4.- Shipping and logistics

Coordinating timely and consistent deliveries is a significant challenge. Subscription orders typically follow a strict schedule, and any delays in the shipment can disrupt the customer's experience. To avoid this, we recommend you work alongside mexican fulfillment solutions, which have the expertise and resources to manage shipping costs and any other factors that can be involved in this part of the process.

5.- Handling cancellations 

Last but not least, customers frequently change their subscription plans, pause deliveries, or cancel altogether. Handling these changes efficiently is crucial to maintaining customer satisfaction but can be logistically challenging, especially if changes occur close to shipping dates. If you work with fulfillment companies, make sure they have a team specialized in reverse logistics.

Is it better to outsource fulfillment for subscription businesses?

Outsourcing fulfillment for subscription orders can be a strategic decision that offers numerous benefits, but it also has potential drawbacks. 

One of the primary benefits of outsourcing fulfillment is scalability because it allows your business to scale quickly without needing to invest in warehouse space, equipment, and additional staff.

It allows you to focus on your core competencies, such as product development, marketing, and customer service. This shift in focus can lead to better product offerings and improved customer satisfaction, as your team can dedicate more time and resources to what they do best.

However, one of the main concerns is losing control over the fulfillment process. This can be challenging if the fulfillment partner doesn't meet your standards when it comes to speed or accuracy in the shipments. Any error can lead to dissatisfied customers and reputational damage.

Outsourcing fulfillment can be beneficial if your business is experiencing rapid growth or you need to leverage the expertise of specialized providers to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction. 

If you want to learn more about how fulfillment centers can help your business succeed, don't hesitate to contact us; a member of our team will be happy to assist you. We also invite you to stay tuned to our blog for more content that we're preparing for you. 



Samuel Elizondo
